Greetings Fellow Concerned Citizens of Earth

Great, you found your way here! And that's no coincidence. It means you're among the more inquisitive viewers of our Kaufman Institute for Coincidence Commercial and Essential Klaus Record Commercial. Hopefully these videos brought you some much needed laughs during these crazy times and maybe even left you wanting more. Fear not, there's more on the way! And the best part is, you can help support it. While the products and businesses featured in our commercial parodies aren't real, the t-shirts below are very real and a perfect way to support our efforts to make more great, thought-provoking content in the future. Please have a look below and see if you can't find something you like, to help spread the truth and support our efforts. And, if you really have your heart set on that Essential Schwab record album, subscribe to our YouTube channel and let us know you want it in the comments. Thanks for your support!!!

T-Shirts For Critical Thinkers

Do you believe in the power of truth? So do we! Our t-shirts are more than just a piece of clothing, they are a statement. They are a symbol of your commitment to exposing the truth and making a difference in the world. When you wear an iwantlibertees t-shirt, you're supporting the cause of bringing honest conversation, transparency and accountability to the forefront.
Don't just speak the truth, wear it! Grab one of our t-shirts today and show the world that you're committed to making a difference. Imagine the conversations you'll spark and the like-minded friends you'll make with your incredible physique and our awesome freedom-inspired designs.
Thanks for stopping by. Your support means the world to us!!!

The Kaufman Institute for Coincidence Commercial

The Essential Schwab Commercial

Wishing You a Happy and Healthy Holiday!!!

©2023 iwantlibertees - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED